Survival Equipment
It can be easy to rush out and spend a small fortune on all kinds of
survival equipment to protect you and your loved ones in the face of
life-changing situations. However, while many of these items may look
really good on the shelves of the store, they may actually have little
or no practical value to you when the time comes.
Taking Stock of Your Current Situation

Photo courtesy by sharon_k
To compose your survival gear, you will first need to think about
what protection and equipment your current location already offers you.
For example, the equipment needed to "surf the apocalypse" in a big city
will be completely different to that needed to ride it out in the
woods. The key factors to consider when gathering your survival
equipment are:
- Food - The
maxim "you do not know what you have got till it has gone" applies to
the way that most people view the current food supply. You need to think
about how you'll feed yourselves if the stores aren't open. You could
look into becoming more self-sufficient and growing your own food in
your yard, or buying in a load of tinned and dehydrated or freeze-dried
foods that will last for a long time. It's worth getting hold of items
in bulk ahead of time, to avoid the panic buying that will accompany an
apocalyptic event.
- Warmth
-You who warm your homes through central heating in colder climates will
need winter survival gear. You won't be able to rely on citywide gas or
oil, so you may want to invest in a wood stove, as a survival stove
will heat your home and cook your food as well as save you money in the
short term. You should also stock up on cold weather survival equipment,
such as a survival blanket/space blanket, thermal underclothes and foil
covers as used by the emergency services.
- Water - Clean water may be hard to come by in any
location unless you live near a river or freshwater lake. Your survival
equipment should include filters that will purify water from unknown
sources as well as a large supply of iodine tablets to add to water. The
iodine kills off any bacteria and chemicals in water and is almost
tasteless. In addition, you need to have some way of boiling the water
as this is a sure-fire way of killing off any unwanted agents in the
water. You also have to realize that you probably don't have room to
store a lot of water, so building a rain harvesting system would be a
long-term solution.
- Power -
Having a self-sufficient power supply will mean that you can continue
life close to normal. You can find self-powered generators that will
give you a few days of electricity. However, for a longer term solution,
you will need to harness the natural forces. This includes installing
solar panels to heat your water and small wind turbines to generate
- Communications -
Once you have sorted yourself out at home, you will start to think
about helping your friends and family acclimatize. Phone lines may be
out, so you should invest in sets of walkie-talkies that operate over
long distances. The longest ones cover up to five kilometers, so for
family who live farther away you could also set up meeting points at
specific times in case of an emergency.
Once you have thought about these, you can put together a survival gear
list to gather and store. You do not have to go to an army, outdoor
specialist or survival store for your survival equipment, as you can get
most of it in large cash-and-carry stores and your local supermarket.
You also don't have to be rich to prepare. Many people do a good deal
of their prepping and building up their survival equipment by shopping
thrift stores, flea markets, garage sales and even While
you usually won't find food in those places, using coupons and shopping
the grocery sales is another way some people build up their food stores.
main thing to keep in mind is that you will need to have somewhere to
store all of your equipment in preparation, so you'll need to either
clear out your attic or basement or buy smaller versions of your
essential equipment. You may also decide that you need a place away from
the city, a type of survival retreat, where you will not only have room
for storage, but room for gardens and livestock.
Handy Survival Equipment
Power Generation
Hunting & Trapping
Survival Apparel
Misc. Gear
Food Production
Heating & Cooking
Outdoor Gear
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