Survival Insurance

Survival insurance is the best way to be prepared for any event or disaster. Every day we are faced with challenges but one day you may be faced with a real emergency.

survival insurance

An emergency doesn’t have to be an extreme zombie apocalypse. A disaster comes in many forms from loss of jobs or natural disasters to disease outbreaks or chemical emergencies. The good news is that you and your family can survive in an emergency situation.

Survival insurance isn’t something you can buy from an agent. It is the knowledge, preparation and skills necessary for survival in the event of a disaster.

Emergency Preparations:

  • Water supply- It is essential to have enough water for your family and pets in the event of an emergency. The average person drinks at least a half gallon of water per day. Water is also needed to prepare food and for hygiene. Store a minimum of one gallon per day for each person and per pet. It is best to get water in store-bought, sealed containers. You can also buy containers that are made for storing water but make sure they are washed and sanitized before adding water. Tap water is a good source but check with your city water provider to see if it needs to be treated before storing. Store as much water as you can but at least enough for three days. Stored water should be changed every six months.
  • Food supply- An emergency supply of food is another essential part of survival insurance if disaster strikes your community. Plan a supply for two weeks or more. Try to gather foods that do not have to be refrigerated or cooked like canned goods and dry mixes. Think about storing foods that your family likes in order to lift spirits and reduce stress in an emergency. Aim for nutritious foods that are high in calories and remember to plan for babies, pets, or people with special diets. Store the food in a dry, cool and dark area along with a manual can opener. Keep perishable foods like cookies and crackers in plastic bags inside of re-sealable containers. Use air-tight jars or containers for foods like sugar, dried fruits and nuts. Make sure to check expiration dates and signs of spoiling before eating stored food. Some foods like wheat, dried corn, rice and pasta can be stored indefinitely. Always use food from the refrigerator and freezer first.
  • Disaster supply kit- When faced with an emergency you can be prepared with basic items ready for use at home, work, school or in your vehicle.

In addition to water and food the following is a list of important items:

  • Flashlight
  • Radio
  • Batteries
  • First aid kit
  • Medications for at least seven days
  • Multiuse tool
  • Personal hygiene items
  • Personal documents
  • Emergency contact information
  • Cell phones and chargers
  • Money
  • Blankets and sleeping bags
  • Extra car keys
  • Baby supplies
  • Pet supplies
  • Things for the kids to do

Prepare your kit by packing and labeling the containers. Store them in a place where you can get them easily and quickly. Double check your kit to make sure everybody’s needs are met including babies, seniors, and pets. It’s also a good idea to involve the whole family in preparation.

  • Have a plan - Once you have your emergency supplies develop a family plan to help the family cope and survive in a disaster. Being prepared is the best survival insurance. Be aware of disasters that may happen in your community and get information on how to be prepared for whatever may come your way. You must know about the disaster plans for wherever you or your children may be such as work or school. Decide on a meeting place right outside your home or neighborhood in the event that you can’t return home. Designate a family member or friend out of the area to be a phone or email contact.

Additional things to add to your disaster plans are:

  • Post emergency phone numbers
  • Make sure children know how to call 911
  • Develop escape routes from the home
  • Establish safe places in your home
  • Teach everyone when and how to turn off water, gas and electricity
  • Know how to use a fire extinguisher

Now that you have a plan, make sure to practice it by conducting emergency drills and keeping your water, food and disaster kit up to date.

Survival insurance will give you and your family protection during a time of crisis. When you prepare for an emergency you and your loved ones will be able to survive.

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