Home Remedies for Ringworm to Use When Medical Care is Unavailable

While home remedies for ringworm are not as well known as those for ailments such as the common cold, many natural treatments do exist and are quite effective. Many of the items used to treat ring worm are basic, every day staples, making them easily accessible and giving you no reason not to use them. You can opt to utilize just one treatment or a combination of them, and the method of application is also your choice.

Drink Up

It is no secret that tea, particularly herbal and caffeine free brews, have health benefits and can treat different ailments. Ginger root, chamomile and lemongrass teas all help to relieve the symptoms of, or eliminate, ring worm. You can purchase these teas in a health food store, grow your own produce and make fresh tea, or find these items in nature, depending on the region in which you live. For best results, you should drink these teas three times a day and place the tea bag or some of the tea, using a paper towel or cotton ball, directly onto the affected area.      

Besides tea, you might also wish to try some turmeric juice mixed with honey to help cure your ringworm. As little as a teaspoon a day is all you need to help relieve symptoms and cure this fungal infection. Aged apple cider and coconut milk, as well as the fruit itself, are other ways you can remedy a ringworm infection.

Herbal Home Remedies for Ringworm

In addition to these well-known teas, you can also make a tea using licorice root powder, though you do not consume these particular home remedies for ringworm. Simply add six teaspoons of the powder, which naturally contains 25 anti-fungal elements, to one cup of boiling water and allow the mixture to cook on low for 20 minutes. Remove the pulp with a strainer and apply this concoction to the ringworm infected area three times a day using a clean cloth, sterile gauze or some other sanitary method of application.

Aside from teas, you can also use powders, tinctures and pastes made from calendula flowers, myrrh or goldenseal. If you soak calendula flowers in a warm bath, you can extract the anti-fungal properties, then apply the tincture to the affected area two or three times a day. To use the goldenseal and myrrh, simply make a paste with equal parts of both ingredients, then add a bit of water. Apply this treatment as you would all of the previously mentioned home remedies for ringworm and patiently wait for the results, as fungal infections are difficult to eliminate, even with powerful pharmaceuticals.

Another of the home remedies for ringworm is papaya slices, which you can simply apply to the infection for an hour or two by wrapping a bandage around the affected area. When the time is up, just wash the skin with soap and water, then repeat the treatment a couple more times throughout the day and until the symptoms subside. As an alternative, you can also mash the papaya seeds into a powder, add a little water and make a paste that you can just apply and leave on without the use of a bandage. In the event papaya is unavailable, you can opt for basil leaves, butea seeds or mustard seeds.

Just remember that part of your preps should be some OTC fungal treatments for athlete's foot. That can also be used to treat ringworm on both pets and humans.

Home remedies for ringworm are affordable, easily accessible, effective and have little to no risk of side effects, provided you are not allergic to these items. The treatments are also mild enough to use on a baby's skin or someone with sensitive skin, though you need to be more cautious with consumption. Should you ever find yourself without pharmaceuticals, you can apply these remedies and have the peace of mind that you are not without treatment options.

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