Dehydrated Foods

Dehydrated foods are excellent options for storing food efficiently when preparing for an apocalyptic event. Food dehydration, also known as food drying, is a preservation process that removes the water from your food. Most food can be dehydrated and there are several different methods you can use to dehydrate your food.


How it Works

Dehydrating food is a relatively simple process and many people choose to do it at home. During the dehydrating process, the water is slowly cooked out of the food but the food is not actually cooked. People use three main methods to do this:

  • Air-drying
  • Sun-drying
  • Kiln-drying

Sun-drying can be done at home, but takes a long time. Air-drying and kiln-drying take a little less time, but require more equipment. Once foods are dehydrated, you should store them in air-tight containers for maximum longevity.

Kinds of Foods

You can dehydrate almost any food but if you are preparing for an apocalypse, you may want to stick to nutrient-rich essential foods. Fruits, vegetables, bread and meats can all be dehydrated and will provide you with the necessary nutrients you need to survive an apocalypse.


Dehydrated foods do not last as long as some other methods of food preservation, typically lasting approximately one year from the date that they are dried. With meat, you should store it only for about a month at room temperature, but it may keep longer if it is refrigerated. If you pack your foods with an oxygen absorber, they will last longer as the oxygen absorber will remove oxygen and leave only nitrogen.

The most important aspect of safely and effectively storing dehydrated foods is that the food must be kept away from moisture. When dry foods are exposed to moisture in the air, they become limp so it is important to keep your food in airtight containers. You will also want to store your food in a dark place with a consistent moderate temperature. Good storage spaces include kitchen cupboards or basements.


A major advantage of using dehydrated foods is that the dehydration process inhibits bacterial growth and that of other microorganisms, therefore preserving the food for a long period of time and making it safer to eat. Dehydrating food is one of the easiest and most cost effective ways of storing food for long periods of time.

Once food is dehydrated, not only can you store it for a long time, but the cans may be opened and closed several times without going bad. If you use basic canned goods the contents will deteriorate quickly once you open the can.

Another advantage is that dehydrated food takes up significantly less space than regular food or freeze-dried food. It is also lighter, making it easier if you need to carry it while traveling.


The main disadvantage of dehydrating food is the fact that it will not taste as good as fresh or freeze-dried food. There is also a little bit of cost involved, whether you buy the food already dehydrated or dehydrate your own food.

Getting Dried Food

Many people choose to buy dehydrated food from any number of camping or survival-related stores and websites. However, you can also dehydrate food on your own at home. This might take a while, but it is usually less expensive than buying food that has already been dehydrated.

When preparing for a possible apocalyptic event, you may want to consider dehydrated foods as a way to store food. Food that is dehydrated takes up less space and lasts longer than regular food while still maintaining the nutritional value of the original food. While you may have to sacrifice in terms of taste and texture, dehydrating foods is one of the more cost-effective ways to store food.

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